This week HEAR His Heart went to Camp Canaan in Rock Hill, SC. Nick Wimmer, the founder of Camp Canaan spoke to us. He shared with us from Hebrews 10:14 "For by a single offering He has perfected forever those who are being made whole." He told us that when God looks at us, He sees Jesus. He said, God was thinking about you this morning and He sees you as perfect in His son. He also told us that God is so pleased with us - for who we are, more than what we do. He said, your identity in Christ is more important than doing things for Him and we need to let that create a hunger and thirst for more of Him.
When Nick finished speaking to us, we prayed over him and gave him encouraging words. Then we headed out into the field to play a fun game of Archery Tag. We had an awesome time at Camp Canaan!
When Nick finished speaking to us, we prayed over him and gave him encouraging words. Then we headed out into the field to play a fun game of Archery Tag. We had an awesome time at Camp Canaan!