On Friday, March 6, the youth of Hear His Heart ministered at
Chick-Fil-A. Before we headed to the restaurant, we waited on the Lord for an encouraging word for someone. When we arrived at Chick-Fil-A, the youth boldly shared the words and gifts they had brought for people. We were all blown away as the tangible presence of the Lord filled the restaurant and ministered to the hearts of many. It was a faith building time for us all.
Chick-Fil-A. Before we headed to the restaurant, we waited on the Lord for an encouraging word for someone. When we arrived at Chick-Fil-A, the youth boldly shared the words and gifts they had brought for people. We were all blown away as the tangible presence of the Lord filled the restaurant and ministered to the hearts of many. It was a faith building time for us all.