The boys had a blast playing nerf archery tag at Abundant Hope Church on Saturday, October 31st. We were thrilled that Hudson, one of the young men from the HEAR His Heart Mint Hill group, was able to join the other guys from the Pineville group for this event. A special thanks goes out to Joel, Clint, Chris and Graham for helping to set up and play along with these amazing young men.
The girls of HEAR His Heart enjoyed a delicious breakfast together on October 31st. Sarai, Johnniegrace, and Savannah planned this event in such a way to make each girl feel unique and special, through setting each place at the table with a different plate and having each young lady write an encouraging word to the one seated next to her. It was fun meeting new friends as Emily and Caroline from the HEAR His Heart group in Mint Hill joined us. A special thanks goes to Natalie for coming to speak to the group about their value and worth as beautiful daughters of God.
For HEAR His Heart on Friday, October 23, we split into three groups to go out and minister at different locations in our community. One group planted sturdy plants and flowers to be vibrant all winter long at Abundant Hope Church. Another group, prepared a meal for a family whose son had recently fractured his hip during a football game. The third group lent a helping hand to a beautiful lady who needed a little extra help. It was amazing to see each one of these young people serving in such a beautiful way!
On Friday, September 25, we had the wonderful opportunity to put together and fill shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. We want to extend a special thanks to Julie Joyner for all that she does to bless children all around the world. Thank you for allowing us to participate with you in touching the lives of children!
![]() On Friday, March 6, the youth of Hear His Heart ministered at Chick-Fil-A. Before we headed to the restaurant, we waited on the Lord for an encouraging word for someone. When we arrived at Chick-Fil-A, the youth boldly shared the words and gifts they had brought for people. We were all blown away as the tangible presence of the Lord filled the restaurant and ministered to the hearts of many. It was a faith building time for us all. On Friday, January 30, Hear His Heart went to serve at Crisis Assistance Ministry. We were thrilled to be able to assist this ministry that helps the poor in our community. We had fun sorting clothes and preparing them to be placed in their store. We also had the pleasure of seeing our friend, Pierre, again. We enjoyed the opportunity to pray for him and give him encouraging words.
On Friday, January 16, Hear His Heart went to Samaritan's Feet to serve at their warehouse by sorting soap, shampoo, lotion and various items that had been donated to them. While there, we watched a video about this organization and learned that it was started by a Nigerian man, Emmanuel "Manny" Ohnome. As a young boy, Manny was approached in his village by a missionary from Wisconsin who invited Manny to enter a contest where the prize was a pair of shoes. Manny won the contest and earned his first ever pair of shoes. But even more important than the pair of shoes, were the words of hope shared by this "Good Samaritan." The missionary gave not only the gift of shoes to this young boy, but he also gave the gift of encouragement about believing in your dreams, reaching for the sky, and never giving up.
That gift of hope propelled the young boy to work hard at developing his talents, skills, and confidence. As a young man, he turned those lessons into success, earning a full basketball scholarship to a college in America. Earning his Bachelors and Masters, Manny was climbing the ladder of success in the technology industry when on a trip home to Nigeria, his passion and compassion collided and became a vision of Samaritan's Feet. Determined to make a difference, both in his homeland and around the world, Manny and his wife, Tracie, began Samaritan's Feet in 2003. Through Samaritan's Feet, Manny has the opportunity to continue the legacy of love and hope he received when he was given his first pair of shoes and to make a difference in the lives of millions. We were thankful to learn about this ministry and were blessed to be able to serve them. We once again were able to see that one person's dream and vision can have an impact on the world. The youth, interns and leaders of Hear His Heart had a blast at our Christmas party this year. One of the leaders shared a word reminding us to be thankful all the time. A thankful heart prepares the way for the Lord. The youth had a fun gingerbread house decorating contest. They were divided into groups to build and it was interesting to watch the creativity of each person and to see how they worked together as a team. We ended our time of fun with a white elephant gift exchange. It was an awesome way to finish the year, full of thankfulness and joy!
We had an incredible time on our ministry trip to Wilmington. It was jammed packed with adventures and fun. We started off the weekend by attending a conference where Todd White was speaking. We really felt the presence of the Lord during the service and the youth didn't want to leave. At one point, Todd sat on the stage and prayed for all the young people surrounding him. It was a precious time of ministry. On Saturday, we served at First Fruit Ministry, where some of the kids sorted and handed out food and others prayed with the people waiting in line for their turn to receive food. It was a powerful time as the youth prayed and gave encouraging words. Many people were touched and one lady who had arthritis in her hand and couldn't bend it was able to close her hand completely after receiving prayer. It was awesome to see the Lord heal that lady and touch many hearts that morning. On Saturday afternoon, we headed to the beach where the boys did the polar bear challenge and swam in the ice cold water...Brr... We all had a lot of fun playing and feeding Cheetos to the seagulls. After playing at the beach, we headed back to the pool at the hotel to swim in warmer water. Later that day, we headed out to do our "treasure hunt." Our faith was built up as we stepped out to give encouraging words and pray with people the Lord highlighted to us. On Sunday morning, we went to Morning Star Church, Wilmington. The pastor invited us to give encouraging words to the congregation. The youth shared words with great courage and boldness. It was such an awesome weekend with these amazing young people! ![]() On Friday, October 31, we had the privilege of having Beverly from the Dorothy Day Soup Kitchen come and speak to us about her ministry. She shared that she saw a need to help the hungry in her community and felt led by the Holy Spirit to open a soup kitchen to feed these people. With the help of a friend and some volunteers, Dorothy Day Soup Kitchen opened. Beverly says the soup kitchen feeds one meal a day to anyone that comes with no questions asked. She has been faithfully serving the Lord by feeding her neighbors in need for the past 29 years. When she finished speaking, we were thrilled to be able to pray for her and give her encouraging words. Her heart was touched and she told us that she has spoken to many different groups but what made our group different was that she felt love. We know that she felt the love of the Lord that flows out of these young people. We were happy to sow into Beverly's ministry by filling up the trunk and the whole back seat of her car with canned and boxed goods to feed more people. |
November 2024